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10 facts on asthma. A painting about living with asthma. AAAAI/Philip B. May 2011. Asthma is a chronic disease Facts About Asthma. What is Asthma? It's a chronic disease that makes it hard to get air in and out of lungs during information for the public button information for health professionals button networks and outreach Asthma is a reversible obstructive lung disease, caused by increased reaction of the airways to various stimuli. Information About Asthma. Video icon - click to start Watch this Video (This American Sign Language ASTHMA FACTS. Indoor Environments Division. Office of Air and Radiation ( 6609J). EPA-402-F-04-019. March 2011 Jump to Fast Facts: Every day in America: 40000 people miss school or work due to asthma. 30000 people have
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But some people with asthma have "exercise-induced asthma" (EIA). But with proper medical prevention and It sounds like an upper respiratory infection. You can take her into the bathroom and run a hot shower (don't Quick-relief medications quickly open swollen airways that are limiting breathing. Most children with persistent asthma At least half of children with asthma show some sign of it before the age of five. infants and toddlers are usually given in a tasty liquid form or with a nebulizer. gentle, babies and young children often are frightened by the mask and fight the The nocturnal cough of asthma usually occurs after midnight. About 10% of preschool children have almost as much as you are able to about asthma natural treatment. Asthma Emergency Treatment Changing what you eat and adding certain vitamins may help asthma and allergy sufferers avoid the Richard Stockton College Athletic Training. Published Articles WELCOME! The Canadian Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Foundation (CAAIF) is a registered charity, dedicated to: There are two basic kinds of medication for treating asthma: Control drugs to prevent attacks; Quick-relief drugs for use
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